Thursday, October 19, 2006

a lil while back a group of us got together for a much needed chill out session. we had tons of yummy food (kentucky fried chicken, potato salad, thai fried noodle, apple crumble) and loads of drinks. rudy suggested that we play 'the name game'.

rudy: come lah, play the name game

me: what's that? how to play?

rudy: you name someone, let's say for example halle berry. the next person would have to name somebody who's first name is the same letter as the last name of the previous person. ok, we use halle berry, next person would have to think of a name that starts with the letter h, and it goes on lah. if cannot name then got to drink lah. at least 2 people other than yourself has to know that person. doesn't necessary have to be movie star, as long as famous celebrity can already

hubsterman: aiyoh

me: dun want lah. sure drunk one

cammie: play lah, rudy and i always play by ourselves only

me: err... ok lah, can try

rudy: wait, wait got some more rules

me: huh? what?

rudy: wait lah, i tell you all now... it's like this. if someone names a person with just a single name like say for example madonna, then everyone has to drink. and if both the first name and the last name is of the same letter, then it reverses the rotation

me: huh? i'm so confused

rudy: you'll get it once we all play

stef: ok, let's start!

hubsterman: ok, rudy you go first, we follow clockwise. then cammie, then me, then wifey, then brian, then stef and back to rudy

rudy: henry ford (i actually forgot who he started with, but i'll use henry ford. in fact, i forgot ALL sequence, so i'll just use the names we used that night)

cammie: frank sinatra

hubsterman: so now it's s is it?

cammie: YES!

hubsterman: smokey robinson

me: r ah? ricky martin

brian: madonna

rudy: everybody DRINK! single name. it still ok now. if kena the q and the x then damn hard to think one

hubsterman: who's turn now?

me: stef's

stef: so what letter do i use?

rudy: same as before, m

stef: marilyn monroe

rudy: REVERSE. double m

brian: my turn again is it?

everyone: YES!

brian: mick jagger

me: john f kennedy

hubsterman: kobe bryant

it went on and on, all of us got drunk, especially me. then rudy wanted to add ANOTHER game on top of this one. called the rule master. one person starts to be the rule master and can make up ANY rule and the person who doesn't follow that rule will have to drink. and the rule master is also a THUMB MASTER. the thumb master will discreetly put up his thumb and once he does that, everyone else will have to put up their thumb. the last person to notice and put up the thumb will have to gulp down HALF of their drink and becomes the next rule and thumb master. oh yeah, the new rule master gets to make up another rule to add on the the previous one. gosh! so much to notice and think and do. and i'm already smashed!

rudy: ok. first rule is everyone has to rub their tummy and pat their head when they are saying the name during their turn

... then came no laughing with any sound at all, then came no calling out each other's names, then came no saying 'baby' (all of us call our men baby), then came no pointing with the finger...

was it fun? yup. could i still walk at the end of the night? barely.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

created a slide show. got the idea from my sista girl's blog

Monday, October 16, 2006

i do realise that i've not been posting any conversations for the past couple of months. it's just that either my conversations have been bleakh or when i've dope things to write, the internet connection is sucky. will definitely be back with more soon. that's my lil conversations with you today :-p